Named after the Celtic goddess of health, Cyrona offers unique and multifactorial treatment options that combine conventional long-term drug-based therapies and rehabilitative therapies with short-term wjMSC-based therapies. No two treatments are alike as all our treatment plans are tailored according to the health needs of the individual. With a fervent dedication to honesty, safety, and innovation, we've enriched the lives of both local and international patients, notably from Australia and the Middle East.
Our treatment plans are developed based on cutting-edge research and the latest research findings of some of the best universities in the world.
We take great pride in the depths of our expertise and the outstanding capabilities of our highly experienced team, which consists of a diverse group of top-tier physicians who have a wealth of industry experience, knowledge, and skills. With years of dedicated practice and a commitment to excellence, our team members have honed their abilities to provide the highest standards of care and service to our clients and patients, be it tackling complex medical challenges or delivering compassionate care.